Last Updated on February 6, 2025 Sarah Gayda
Webinar Series
Part 1 – Automating the Management of Records in Your Email to Drive Efficiency
Tuesday, February 25, 1:00 EST
Managing email records effectively is no longer optional—it’s essential. However, with the ever-growing volume of emails containing sensitive business information, organizations have struggled with traditional methods of finding and compliantly saving email records.
Enter automation. In Part 1 of our webinar series, we’ll explore how automation can revolutionize the way you manage sensitive business information in your email, reducing manual effort while improving accuracy, compliance, and efficiency.
Join Gimmal and Colligo February 25 to learn:
- How to automatically identify and move email messages and attachments that should be considered records to SharePoint
- How to do so compliantly, and automatically capture metadata labels in the process
- How automation reduces manual effort, saves time, reduces human error and improves email classification accuracy
- How Gimmal Discover and Colligo Email Manager work together to enable smart automation
Part 2 – Cut Costs, Stay Compliant: Smart Strategies for Managing Records in Your Email
Tuesday, March 25, 1:00 EST
Email remains one of the most critical forms of business communication. But without proper management, it also poses significant compliance, security, and cost risks.
Emails contain sensitive business information, your organization needs to ensure that email records are captured, classified, and retained in SharePoint according to proper retention schedules—and disposed of in a compliant manner.
Join Gimmal and Colligo March 25 for Part 2 of our webinar series to learn:
- The risks and challenges of poor email records management
- How to align email retention with compliance policies and regulatory requirements
- How to seamlessly capture emails and attachments to SharePoint with metadata, so they can be accessed by the right people at the right time
- How to automate retention scheduling and compliant disposition of email records in SharePoint
- Strategies to enhance efficiency and improve compliance while reducing the costs of email records management
- How Colligo Email Manager and Gimmal Records work together to enable automated compliance