People Are Ready for AI, but Data Is Not Ready for AI

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Last Updated on February 27, 2025 Sarah Gayda

Monthly Industry Trends & Insights From Colligo CEO Tim Brady

One of our partners smartly noted that, “People are ready for AI, but data is not ready AI.” I couldn’t agree more.

I have conversations about “AI” and “CoPilot” several times a week. However, the reality is that most organizations are not ready for AI at all, despite what many say.

Organizations do not have the processes and use cases properly defined and lined up. Perhaps more importantly, their data is far from ready. Our recent webinar poll reflected this sentiment. 67% of respondents claimed they are not ready to deploy an AI application like Microsoft Copilot.

AI Readiness Poll Results From Colligo Webinar - Image
Source: Is Your Data Ready for AI? – Webinar

What does data need in order to be AI ready? I often resort back to the Gartner framework of what AI-ready data looks like. AI ready data is data that is accurate, enriched, unbiased, secure and governed.

People Are Ready for AI, but Data Is Not Ready for AI - Blog Post Image from Gartner
Source: Gartner

This is why, in my opinion, many of the AI pilots are still just that: pilots.

Email is a crucial part of the data inflow into your organization. We are aim to make email and attachment data more findable, accurate, governed and enriched. We do this by making it super easy and compliant (even automated) for users to properly tag files coming into your organization through email.

Colligo Email Manager allows for better information and data. It enriches the data, helps with accuracy by limiting duplicates, helps data stay more secure and provides better governance in your organization.

Metadata is the secret weapon in the AI world, and we are still in the early innings of organizations beginning to properly leverage and utilize it.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Colligo. Think of them as ‘strong opinions, loosely held.’ Proceed with curiosity and a sense of humor!

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